November 24, 2008

Back in Munich

I went from fall to winter in one day. It was fall when I left Portland. It's winter here. Last night we had several inches of snow. When I went out today, I saw a man driving a little golf-cart like vehicle up and down the sidewalks, sprinkling gravel as he went. Christmas decorations are going up all over the city, especially at Marienplatz. There are a lot of huts selling nuts and dried fruits, and even an ice skating rink.

November 21, 2008

Back in Munich Again

Today, or maybe yesterday, I was driven to the airport in pouring rain, flew across dark skies, and landed in strong wind gusts in Frankfurt. After having the gate changed three times, I finally boarded my flight from Frankfurt to Munich. Only an hour long, but what an exciting hour! I thought we were going to crash when we took off. It was really scary! Now I am safely here, back in the apartment, which looks so much homier than the first time I came here. I brought my wii and numerous games, a portable dvd player, and my kindle (see Amazon if you haven't heard of it). It was a lot of electronics to take through security. And why did I go through security twice to get here? That was odd! But I'm here. And secure.
And now I'll start blogging pretty regularly again.
Tomorrow, I want to see pretty snow and xmas lights, and buy a toaster oven. (It's snowing right now!)

November 1, 2008


Here's the pumpkin I carved, a man named Dylan, and a mysterious sunny circle around my table. You can figure out which is which.