May 26, 2011


i have a flour collection.

new to the neighborhood

we got a new signpost.  i wonder what they will put on it.

Oh, they put in a sign that said you can't park there anymore without paying a fee.

May 25, 2011

What I've been doing

I've been making quilts.  Or, at least, quilt tops.  Batting is way too expensive here, so I'll finish the quilts at home.  Here is the one I made last week.  It still needs a little embroidery and a border.

April 26, 2011

double tall bikes

I shouldn't be surprised that bikes can be parked two tall, since our car does that too.

Spring series

April 11
April 21

April 26

April 11
April 21            
April 26  

April 8, 2011

Back in Munich, again

My suitcase had lots of room.  You can see what is important to me:  books, food, and otc drugs

I decided to document Spring from our window.

This is the other view of Spring.

April 4, 2011


I'm baaaaaack!