July 8, 2008


So my goal for dinner is meatballs. That means locating ground beef, tomato sauce, breadcrumbs, and various herbs. Ground beef is pretty easy. It's meat that looks ground, and it should have some version of "rind" on it--that means beef. For tomato sauce, well, last time I ended up with tomato puree, so I was more careful this time. I found two boxes. One says, "Tomato al Gusto--Arrabbiata" and the other says, "Tomato al Gusto--Lasagne." Either one should work. Do I want "pikant scharf" or "mit krauten & knoblauch?" Maybe a combination of both. One box has pictures of peppers and tomatoes, the other one has pictures of garlic, something leafy like basil, and a tomato. I'll probably combine the contents and see what I get. The last part. Breadcrumbs. Last week I found some gluten free bread. Good start. But how to make crumbs? It's shaped like a breadstick, so it has a lot of crust. Without a food grinder or blender, these are the steps I've taken.
1. Try a cheese grater. Rub the bread up and down across the grater. Not much result.
2. Use a pair of scissors to cut the bread into smaller pieces. Okay, now what?
3. Try one of those handheld blenders they use to make milkshakes. Lots of noise, breadcrumbs jump out the top no matter how carefully I try to cover the opening. Still big chunks of bread left.
4. Try the scissors again
5. Alternately curse and whimper
6. Maybe a knife now that I have small chunks?
The good news is, Rob's not going to be home for dinner. Whatever I come up with, I'll happily eat. Oh, and no luck with fabric softener. Maybe another store will have it.

1 comment:

Basket full o' Plums said...

Hi Carol!!
Here's how I'd make bread crumbs: cut the bread in half long wise and then put it in the oven at a low temperature to make it dried out, then put the dry bread in a bad and use a heavy object to crush the bread into crumbs.

Funny story: The other day Laina pointed at some guy at the park and said, "Look mom, he has shoes like Rob". WHAT?? What kind of shoes does Rob have? I asked her to explain and she said, "Shoes without strings like when we were camping". Sure enough, the guy had suede slip ons--just like Robs. I never know what she's going to come up with.

Jorg and I are going to be in Germany at Christmas time. Jorg is going to be Munich for the big trade show in November (I don't remember the name of it, Rob will know, I'll bet).

The girls and I are going to be in Portland most of August doing a Chinese School summer camp.

Take care!!