September 11, 2008


But first, here's how they sell corn here.

When I packed for Germany, I brought fabric for 2 quilts. The first one was already cut out and ready to go when I packed it. After sewing only about 9 of the 48 squares I gave up. I'll work on it back in Oregon. The second quilt has been my focus this week. So here are some pictures of what I've been doing now that my suitcases are packed (yah, a bit early). First, here is the link to a picture of the quilt in the magazine that inspired me. And now here are pictures of my progress. First, cut, then partly sewn, then sewn some more. The rest has to wait for Oregon cuz I don't have the border fabric purchased yet, and I don't want to spend 20 Euros/meter for it!

1 comment:

Bun said...

oooh that one will match our future wedding present quilt from keith's mom!