April 17, 2009

It was under the oven the whole time!

Yesterday the landlady and her significant other came over to repair our refrigerator. Which was great, because it was getting rather difficult to open and shut. Anyhow, the guy lifted the fridge out of its spot on the wall (and then realized it would be best if I took all the stuff out of the fridge so it wouldn't fall on the floor), removed a bunch of screws, took off the cover and took off the old hinges. Two of them came off in several smaller pieces, which explains why the door didn't work well. But anyhow, after he screwed in the new hinges (which fit perfectly) he needed a stool to reach up to the top of the door. So the landlady reached UNDER THE STOVE and pulled out a stool! Are there any other things hiding in my kitchen? Oh, and the door works great now! We don't have to lift it over the freezer to shut it anymore.

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